Labels:crt screen | earth | fence | monitor | plant | railing | road | sky | stairs | trade name | web site | window OCR: ComponentSoftware Diff File Yiew Format Help Base revision: CTELECOM\CSERVE \DOWNLOADY CSDIFF 2\Readme .txt Compared revision: C\TELECOM\CSERVE \DOWNLOAD\CSDIFF1 12\Pcextra.txt **Features of CSDiff:* 0 Rich text display providing clear and intuitive difference analysis. Basy navigation from modification to modification Synchronized views -ich text anal lvsis anc traditional UNIX diff format and nrevleh differ ence analvsi Dit is een TM ziging oIt aan te hoe CSDiff werkt. CSDiff 1s part of CS- -RCS GNU RCS compatible revision control svstem that fully integrated with windows 95 NT FOr CSDiff tips and tricks and for new version information, visit CSDiff home page at http:/ /WWW ComponentSoftware com/ csdiff What Is new in version 1.2 Anal lysis of MS- -word documents. .DOC .RTF MS-Word requi ...